Chemical Peel

Chemical exfoliation AKA chemical peels is a quick and effective way to address many skin concerns.  We offer superficial peels that are light and leave you glowy to deeper peels that will work at a deeper level and cause peeling.  The deeper peels will require proper planning and some prep work, but we promise it is worth it.

Cell regeneration is the key to healthy skin. Professional peels provide a deep level of exfoliation that forces the skin’s cells to turn over and regenerate, revealing a bright, smooth, and dewy glow that will boost your confidence and improve your skin’s health.

We do require a consultation before any of our Chemical Peel treatments.

What Makes Chemical Peels Special:

  • Peels are a quick but effective way to address many skin concerns.

  • We offer several peel options and strengths to find the perfect peel that addresses your skin concerns.

  • Choose between a level of peel that offers little to no peeling or a peel that offers shedding layers of skin for further improvement.

Frequency of Treatment

Lighter Depth Peels: every 4-6 weeks
Medium Depth Peels: every 6-8 weeks
Deep Peels: 1-2x a year


Starting at $130

What Is A Chemical Peel?

Chemical peels are versatile skincare treatments that can address various concerns, from fine lines to hyperpigmentation. They come in three main types: superficial, medium, and deep peels, each offering different levels of exfoliation and results.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • A chemical peel is a chemical form of exfoliation. Chemical peels work by peeling the top layers of your skin and allowing the ingredients to work past the layers of dead skin cells on the surface to help promote cell turnover.

  • Leave it to the professionals. After a thorough consultation, we will determine the perfect peel for you.

  • This depends on the intensity of the peel. Peels are best done in a series. For lighter peels, we recommend monthly until desired results are achieved. For medium-depth peels, we recommend a series of 4-6 peels a year. For deep peels, we recommend 1-2x a year.

  • Peels come in many formulations to treat many different types of skin concerns. Peels contain ingredients such as mandelic acid, lactic acid, hyaluronic acid, salicylic acid, glycolic acid, and many other ingredients that hydrate, correct, and treat specific concerns. We love treating skin with peels as they are effective and quick.

  • Not always. This does not mean that the peel was ineffective or is not doing its thing. Peeling depends on many factors, including the skin's health, the peel's intensity, and the ingredients in the peel.

  • There can be downtime with some of our peels, so plan accordingly. Most of our peels do not require downtime. Pretty great! Your provider will thoroughly consult with you, recommend the best peel for you, and discuss potential downtime, the anticipated number of treatments, and more.

  • It is possible and totally normal. Do not panic. Blemishes take weeks and sometimes months to come into formation. A professional treatment can speed up this process and prevent future breakouts from even forming…this is a good thing!!!

  • Treatment time will vary from 20 to 60 minutes.

  • They do not hurt. You may feel a tingling sensation and heat, but nothing major. You will have a fan to keep cool. Also, several of our professional peels have a numbing agent in the formula to make them comfortable and pain-free.

  • This depends on the intensity and formulation of the peel. With a lighter, milder peel, you will see results immediately, and your skin will be smooth and glowy, but with a more intense peel, you will go through the shedding phase that can last up to seven days. After the peeling is done, your skin will be AMAZING, and you will definitely see results. Remember that multiple treatments are usually required to work on some challenging skin stuff, such as scarring and discoloration. Peels are only a small part of what is needed to improve your skin. A good skincare routine with the right products and a combination of other skin treatments is always a good idea for the best results.

  • Avoid makeup the first 24 hours after a peel and we recommend keeping it light through the peel process. Staying moisturized is essential. And do not PICK.

  • No. Chemical peels should be avoided during pregnancy and while breastfeeding.

  • The most common side effect is peeling, and this is precisely what we want to see. Redness and swelling are a possibility. It may itch. This is normal. Chemical peels can cause blemishes that have been forming for weeks or even months to come to the surface and purge. This is exactly what we want to happen. It is a good thing, even though it sucks to peel and to have a blemish!

  • Yes, we only carry professional and medical-grade peel lines that are good for all skin tones. Our providers are experienced with all skin types and ethnic backgrounds and with all colors of the skin.

    1. Active cold sore(s) or fever blister(s)

    2. Bacterial infections

    3. Swelling of the face or active facial rash

    4. Accutane - we recommend waiting at least one year from last use

    5. Inflamed skin

    6. Pregnant or Nursing

    7. Burns - Chemical or Sunburn

    8. Contagious diseases

    9. Recent facial surgery - we recommend waiting at least eight weeks post-surgery

    10. If you are not feeling well

    11. An active cold or virus

    12. Botox or other tox - wait at least one week post-treatment

    13. Filler - wait at least two weeks post-treatment

    14. Allergic to aspirin

    15. Ingredient allergies

    16. Dermatitis, including eczema, psoriasis, and seborrhea

    17. Weakened immune system

    18. Any prescription Retinoic Acid (i.e. Retin-A, isotretinoin)

    19. Waxing - must wait at least five days after service

    20. Microblading and any other type of Permanent Makeup - wait at least two weeks

    21. IPL - wait at least four weeks

    22. Laser Resurfacing - wait at least 3-6 months

    23. Cosmetic Facial Surgery - wait at least three months

    24. Microneedling - wait four weeks

    • Aging Skin

    • Acne Scarring

    • Oily Skin

    • Normal to Combination

    • Brightening

    • And more!

    • Schedule your peel at least two weeks before a special event.

    • Notify your practitioner of medications you are taking or have taken within the last six months.

    • Avoid heavy exfoliants, laser treatments, any other type of professional facial treatment, and waxing before your treatment - we recommend at least seven days before treatment.

    • Notify your practitioner if you have a history of perioral herpes, cold sores, or fever blisters. We recommend medication before your treatment to prevent a future breakout.

    • Arrive makeup-free if possible.

    • Discontinue Accutane for at least six months before treatment.

    • Discontinue using AHA’s, retinoids, or exfoliants at least one week before your treatment.

    • Avoid the sun. We can’t treat sunburned skin.

    • Use the post treatment kit that you receive the day of treatment. You may return to your normal daily activities immediately after your treatment but continue to use the kit and keep the skin moisturized and protected.

    • Avoid exercise for at least 24 hours post treatment.

    • Avoid the steam room, sauna, pool and any other temperature raising activities for at least 7 days. This can cause irritation and inflammation.

    • Avoid waxing, shaving, or laser hair removal treatments immediately after.

    • Avoid sun exposure or tanning for at least 2 weeks after the treatment.

    • Redness and swelling may occur.

    • Use SPF UVA/UVB of at least 30. Reapply as directed throughout the day. BE OBSESSIVE!

    • Drink lots of water. Hydration is important.

    • Do not use a scrub or any other exfoliant for at least 5 days or when peeling is complete.

    • Do not pick at the flaking or sloughing. THIS CAUSES SCARRING AND PIGMENTATION ISSUES. If you must - use scissors to carefully cut away the skin that is flaking off but do not pull it or force.

    • Breakouts after a chemical peel treatment are possible. Do not pick the skin or scratch. Sometimes skin can get worse before it gets better and we are pulling blemishes to the surface that have been forming for weeks or months. Do not panic.

    • Stick to your treatment plan and book your next peel if you are in a series.

    • Use a clean pillow case.

    • Use a clean towel on your face ALWAYS. We recommend keeping a small stack of clean facial towels handy. Bacteria grows on wet towels!

    • We recommend cleaning all of your makeup brushes and only using freshly cleaned brushes following treatment.

    • You may resume your normal skincare routine 1-3 days after the peel OR once peeling has stopped.

    • Do not treat the skin with lasers, waxing, microdermabrasion or any other treatment over the next 3 weeks.

    • Avoid Retin-A and all other Vitamin A products and medications for at least 7 days.

    • Use a gentle cleanser morning and evening and we recommend waiting at least 6 hours after treatment before you wash your face.

    • Keep the skin moisturized.

    • Do not use makeup for at least 24 hours.

    • You can resume your normal skin care routine in 24 hours or once your skin is no longer sensitive with the exception of scrubs and Retin-A or other Vitamin A products for at least 7 days.

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